Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks That Developers are Ready to Opt in 2020

Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks That Developers are Ready to Opt in 2020

The world of programming is ever-changing. It makes it crucial for app development companies to keep themselves updated with the best JavaScript frameworks. Considering the top frameworks in 2020 is a profitable decision that can prevent companies from investing in a less preferable framework that has lost its popularity.

Keeping this in mind, we have listed the top JavaScript frameworks that are going to play on the front foot in 2020. Let’s get started!

The top JavaScript frameworks of 2020:

1. Vue.js

Vue.js framework made its first appearance back in 2014. Evan You, the founder, made sure that the framework had an impressive set of features that could outshine React.js and Angular in the mobile market. Some of the features and functionalities that Vue.js comprises of are:

  • It can be easily integrated with different programming languages
  • It has a less steep learning curve
  • It offers front-end security
  • It has a hassle-free setup experience

A few big names that have trusted Vue.js and used it in one way or the other are Netflix, Adobe, Grammarly, and Behance.

2. Node.js

Known as one of the best JavaScript frameworks in the market, Node.js is expected to witness a surge in its adoption rate in 2020 due to the anticipated rise in the demand for cross-platform applications.
Node.js is a powerful framework that builds light-weight apps that prove to deliver unmatched performance. Its runtime environment with an event-driven architecture drives asynchronous I/O efficiently. Its features include full-stack software development, high scalability, and an easy learning curve.
Renowned companies like LinkedIn, IBM, Groupon, Netflix, Yahoo, SAP, GoDaddy, Walmart, and Microsoft have Node.js as a part of their tech stack.

3. React.js

Created by Facebook, React.js is another prominent JavaScript framework known for its ability to build phenomenal responsive single-page and cross-platform applications. This powerful framework houses several features like flexibility, small file size, uncomplicated maintenance process, and compatibility with various libraries. Big brands like WhatsApp, NY Times, and Netflix highly recommend opting for React.js. React.js app development has, thus, become a go-to option for many businesses.
To achieve high flexibility in front-end development, there are additional libraries that need to be mastered along with React.js, namely, Fluxible, MobX, Redux, RefluxJS, or Fluxy. The framework can also be used with Fetch API, jQuery AJAX, Axios, and Superagent.

4. Angular.js

It is quite evident to app developers that Angular.js has been the ruler of the JavaScript universe for a long time. Despite undergoing multiple updates over the years, the framework is expected to make its mark in 2020, yet again, with its latest full version Angular 9 that was announced at the AngularConnect 2019.
As the framework offers a large environment, a hefty set of tools, a refined programming style, and a high-quality code generation, it is immensely promoted by high-end companies.
When it comes to building single-page applications, Angular is a prominent choice among app development companies.

5. Express.js

Express.js is a popular JavaScript framework because of how lightweight and minimalist it is. This framework helps app developers in building fuss-free applications and does not have a steep learning curve.
One of the major advantages of adopting Express.js is that it does not really lean towards a certain database, thus, enabling the installation of either MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, or any other database. Developers can create web apps that deliver impressive performance using this framework as it is extensive, flexible, and simple.


The JavaScript frameworks mentioned above are not the only ones that are going to take 2020 by storm. Other popular JS frameworks that deserve a shout-out are Ember.js, Meteor.js, Backbone, and Polymer.

As time will pass and user behavior will experience changes, more and more JavaScript frameworks will emerge in the market and make a mark of their own. So, it is imperative for application developers to keep an eye on the trends each year and polish their skill-set by adding newer, fresher frameworks to the list.

Source: Creative Tim, Free Code Camp, Classic Informatics

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Rachit Agarwal

Rachit Agarwal

Director and Co-Founder at Algoworks Technologies
Rachit is leading the mobility business development function, mobility strategy and consulting practice at Algoworks. He is an expert of all mobile technologies and has experience in managing teams involved in the development of custom iPhone/iPad/Android apps.
Rachit Agarwal

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Rachit AgarwalTop 5 JavaScript Frameworks That Developers are Ready to Opt in 2020