NodeJS #AppDevelopment Frameworks Trending In 2018

NodeJS #AppDevelopment Frameworks Trending In 2018

Node.js help developers in building applications using JavaScript outside browser environment. It is an emerging technology which fills the gap between server, mobile applications and web.

Since two programming languages, one for front-end and another for the back-end, increases the complexity and it becomes difficult to maintain the balance, Node.js comes to aid. It removes such complexities and makes development quicker. Such merits of Node.js quickly gives it a status of premier options available for developers.

To extend functionality, frameworks are built on top of Node.js and push the capability of language. Using it can actually save a lot of time and help you with faster development.
Node.js provides an advanced solution to build web, mobile and server applications. Its non-blocking input-output processing, single-threaded event looping asynchronous feature distinguishes it from other runtime environments. The scope of Node.js is increasing which is because of the contribution from technology giants and developer’s community.

Here are some popular node.js frameworks which are worth knowing:

1- Hapi.js

For building application program interface and other software applications, there is a powerful Node.js web framework which is known as Hapi.js. With robust and scalable plugin system, it handles many tasks. These features include configuration-based functionality, error handling, input validation, implement caching, logging and much more. Hapi.js is used for providing technology solutions by several large-scale websites like Paypal, Walmart, Disney and many more.

Hapi.js help developers in writing reusable bits of application logic, instead of focusing on infrastructure. This powerful framework might sound you simple but gives a lot of difference while application development process. This is a powerful framework which might sound simple but it makes a lot of difference in development to launch time. This framework is considered as stable and a reliable. It is downloaded 200000 times per month, therefore It is a stable and reliable framework which is updated quite frequently and is downloaded more than 200000 times per month there is a big community to work with.

2- Express.js

An important web framework for Node.js is Express.js. Among the Node.js options, Express.js is among the most mature and well-documented option. For building application programming interfaces and hosting web and mobile application, Express.js is a minimalist framework. Some popular websites like Klout,, Yummly, MySpace, are powered by Express.js. Some of the greatest features of Express.js are database integration, simplified multiple routing and template engines.

Express.js supports a lot of plugins and holds great routing API. It offers great flexibility but can be a bit challenging for those who are new to Node.js. Node.js allow developers to take complete control of each project and how the project is organized. Express.js offers set of robust features which allow developers in building web application framework. Express.js comprises of a set of a large database of users with amazing documentation, hence one can find entire information which is needed in getting started with the framework.

3- Meteor.js

One of the most liked Node.js options is Meteor. Meteor has superb documentation, therefore, it has a great community on Github. This can assist in learning to build real-time web and mobile apps with JavaScript. The main advantage of Meteor is that developers can use the same code for applications across all the devices. This eases the process of pushing updates without getting it approved by app store or every time forcing users to download the new app. It is a lightweight framework which is simply 10 lines of code. This could otherwise be 1,000 lines and the credit goes to an integrated JavaScript stack.

Meteor is a model-view-controller (MVC) and full-stack open source framework for developing web, iOS and Android apps from the same code base. It supports all, OS X, Windows, and Linux. Developers can also write both client and server parts of an application in JavaScript. Using reactive programming model of Meteor developers can create applications using lesser JavaScript code. Some popular applications which are built using Meteor are Respondly, Blonk and many more.

4- Sails.js

The development and implementation gaps are filled by Sails.js. Sail.js caters to need of easy development of practical and production-ready Node.js apps in just a few weeks. It is also among the most popular model-view-controller framework for Node.js. Its main feature is that it is written purely in JavaScript. Sail.js works on any database which also includes auto-generated rest APIs without even writing a code. Sail.js is compatible with all the devices and comes with a lot of professional support. This keeps the project moving forward.

Sail.js is a most popular real-time framework which is best for large enterprises scale applications and is best suited for developing Node.js applications. Some uses of Sails include dashboards, multiplayer games, and real-time chat apps.For implementing data-driven API, it offers model-view-controller pattern. The enterprise-level framework allows developers of any experience level to build their own custom applications. Developers who are coming from Laravel or Ruby on Rails will find the structure for a Sail.js application a lot similar.

5- Koa.js

Koa.js which is a powerful server framework offers a great set of features for web and mobile applications and APIs. It is an open source framework which is developed and maintained by Express.js and is used to build an effective web application.

Koa.js efficiently makes use of generators which handles effectively call-backs and this increases error-handling capabilities. This enhances the readability of application. Koa is developed by the team of Express which aims at minimizing the minimalist Express. This is done by not bundling middleware within its core. Koa looks very much similar to Express which is both lightweight and un-opinionated.

Wrap Up

These Node.js frameworks like Express.js, Koa.js, and others are shaping the future of web and application development technology. These frameworks are going to be of great relevance in long run. There are lot other Node.js frameworks which have not yet become very popular but are of great use.

Although we have just mentioned few of the popular Node.js frameworks and still there are others making their mark in the market.

Which Node.js framework do you like most for web development? Do you prefer using the framework which we have discussed above or you have your own likings? Share with us and discuss their highlights.
Grab some more knowledge about Node.js here:
Node.js 8.0 – Awesome Features To Look Out For
Best Practices For Node.js App Development
Developing Enterprise Applications Using Node.js

References: colorlib, devsaran, toptal, mayvendev, tutorialspoint

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Rachit Agarwal

Rachit Agarwal

Director and Co-Founder at Algoworks Technologies
Rachit is leading the mobility business development function, mobility strategy and consulting practice at Algoworks. He is an expert of all mobile technologies and has experience in managing teams involved in the development of custom iPhone/iPad/Android apps.
Rachit Agarwal

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Rachit AgarwalNodeJS #AppDevelopment Frameworks Trending In 2018